About Us
The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (FAMI) at the Technical University of Sofia is the successor of the Center for Applied Mathematics established at 1970. More than 50 years, the faculty aims to equip bachelor and master students with knowledge of the foundations of their chosen subject area and the skills necessary to apply their skills to real-world challenges. We offer a comprehensive range of courses and are involved in a wide range of exciting and innovative research that transcend the boundary between theory and practice. We enjoy a high international academic profile for our work in such areas as applied mathematics, applied physics, informatics, computer and software sciences. The structure of the faculty comprises four departments and one scientific and research laboratory as follow:
- Department of “Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations”
- Department of “Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods”
- Department of “Applied Physics”
- Department of “Informatics”
- Scientific and research laboratory on “Computer Graphics and Geo-Informatics Systems” – software group ACSTRE (https://www.acstre.com/).
All departments in the faculty are very active in research and has been successful in attracting funding from both national and international level in addition to working with IT companies and industry. We have particular strengths in:
- Applied Mathematics: Financial Mathematics, Statistics, Differential Geometry and Optimisation.
- Applied Physics – Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Laser Physics, Laser Technologies, Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics and Plasma Physics.
- Informatics and Software Science: Software Design and Integration, Programming in Java, Python, C#, Web Programming, Software Project Management, Big Data, Internet of Things, Information Security.
The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics is a member of the international organization Informatics Europe, which represents the public and private research community in the field of informatics and computer science in Europe and neighboring countries. Bringing together university faculties, research laboratories and industry, Informatics Europe creates a strong common voice to protect and shape quality research and education in informatics and computer science in Europe. With over 160 member institutions in 33 countries, Informatics Europe connects over 15,000 researchers, promotes coherent positions and acts on shared priorities in the fields of education, research, knowledge transfer and the social impact of informatics.
Applied Mathematics and Informatics
This specialty provides training in applied mathematics with opportunities for a wide range of activities.
Applied Physics and Computer Modeling
The specialty provides an in-depth study of the physical nature of the processes and phenomena in nature and the technique, as well as their computer modeling and simulations.
Informatics and Software Science
This specialty aims to offer a new way of thinking and adaptability to the rapidly changing requirements of the information society and to the high rates of technologies for software development.
Data Analysis
The specialty prepares students for data collection and data analysis in order to make informed decisions and build models for future actions
Our Team

Prof. PhD Desislava Ivanova
Phone: +359 (2) 965-3379
Office: 2228
E-mail: d_ivanova@tu-sofia.bg

Assoc. Prof. Elena Yordanova Halova
Vice-dean of Scientific Research
Phone: +359 (2) 965-3100
Office: 10411
E-mail: ehalova@tu-sofia.bg

Assoc. Prof. PhD Aleksei Jordanov Nikolov
Vice-dean of Academic affairs
Phone: +359 (2) 965-2360
Office: 2244
E-mail: ajn@tu-sofia.bg
The Physics department was founded in 1946 by prof. Sazdo Ivanov, the first Rector of the State Polytechnic in Sofia. It growing into the Institute of Applied Physics in 1989. The institute, on its turn, was transformed to the independent “Department of Applied Physics” in 1999 and became part of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics in 2016. The Department of Applied Physics is responsible for the general physics education of the students of all bachelor degree programs of Technical university of Sofia, including the students of the three foreign language faculties, as well as for several specialized bachelor’s and master’s degree level courses. The general physics education is supplemented by laboratory classes conducted in eight laboratories of the Department of Applied Physics. In 2018 Technical university of Sofia established a bachelor degree program called “Applied Physics and Computer Modeling” which belongs to the field of “General Engineering” (according to the National Register of academic fields). It descends form the specialty of “Engineering Physics” established in 2012 under the management of prof. Ivan Uzunov. The focus of the specialty “Applied physics and computer modeling” is on the study of the physical essence of the processes and the phenomena on which modern photonic, laser, optical, electronic and nano technologies, are based. Computer modeling and simulations comprise the second focus of the program. They replace many expensive and time consuming physical experiments yet allowing us to obtain the necessary information for a relevant technology, for the properties of the studied objects and systems and the processes involved. Students that enroll in this program will master the use of high level computer technologies and specialized professional software for the solution of engineering problems. The education includes the basic set of engineering skills, foreign language and basic economic and business knowledge and skills, which are indispensable for a job in the industry. Two laboratories equipped with experimental setups of the German company Phywe have been established to be used primarily for the General physics education in the “Applied Physics and Computer Modeling” bachelor program. The specialized laboratories of the department include a Laboratory of Optical Information Technologies, a Laboratory of Lasers and Laser technologies, a Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics, a Laboratory of Optics and Laboratory of Quantum Electronics. For more information please follow the link http://phys.tu-sofia.bg/
- Assoc. Prof. Elena Yordanova Halova
- Assoc. Prof. Ivan Zhivkov Stefanov
- Prof. DSc Sashka Petrova Alexandrova
- Prof. PhD Ivan Georgiev Koprinkov
- Prof. DSc Ivan Mitev Uzunov
- Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Momchilov Hardalov
- Assoc. Prof. Christo Georgiev Christov
- Assoc. Prof. Elena Yordanova Halova
- Assoc. Prof. Hristo Tsvetanov Tarnev
- Assoc. Prof. Ivan Zhivkov Stefanov
- Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Pavlov Minkov
- Assoc. Prof. Magdalena Docheva Christova
- Assoc. Prof. Todor Stefanov Petrov
- Assoc. Prof. Todor Nikolaev Arabadzhiev
- Assoc. Prof. Vanya Encheva Mikhaylova
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Petrov Denev
- Prof. Ass. Eng. Rositsa Andreeva Pavlova
- Assist. Aleksandrina Tsvetkova Dyankova
- Assist. Nevena Angelova Kojuharova
- Assist. Rumen Georgiev Kobilarov
- Assist. Valentina Taneva Taneva-Toncheva
- Assist. Vasiliy Ivanovich Vaskovskiy
- Assist. Yordan Todorov Yordanov
- Assoc. PhD Radostina Peneva Tasheva
- Assoc. PhD Sava Dimitrov Donkov
- Assoc. PhD Stanimira Dimitrova Terzieva
Dean's office: Ivanka Durchova
Email: ipmi-k@tu-sofia.bg Office: 2228-А Phone: +359 (2) 965-3379Student's office: Irina Stoyanova
Email: i.stoyanova@tu-sofia.bg Office: 2226 Phone: +359 (2) 965-2478MSc Lubomir Petrov Georgiev
Phone: +359 (2) 965-2202 Office: 130-А, E-mail: lgeorg@tu-sofia.bgIvo Litkov Dimitrov
Phone: +359 (2) 965-3192 Office: 10001, E-mail: technik@tu-sofia.bgTeodora Stoyanova Georgieva
Phone: +359 (2) 965-3104 Office: 10413, E-mail: tedi@tu-sofia.bgSection of mathematical analysis and differential equations is a fundamental research unit in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics at Technical University of Sofia. The academic staff of the section provides scientific research and teaching in undergraduate and graduate programs of a number of engineering disciplines and specialties, as well as of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and geoinformation systems.
- Head - Prof. PhD Krasimira Stoyanova Prodanova
- Prof. Georgi Penchev Venkov
- Assoc. Prof. DsC Ognyan Yordanov Kamenov
- Assoc. Prof. Katia Georgieva Dishlieva
- Assoc. Prof. Radoslav Todorov Tzvetkov
- Assoc. Prof. Aleksei Jordanov Nikolov
- Assoc. Prof. Mirko Djalonardo Taruli
- Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Ivanov Dimitrov
- Assoc. PhD. Miroslav Stoenchev
- Assoc. PhD. Hristo Genev
- Assist. Meglena Delcheva Lazarova
- Assist. Miroslava Ivanova
- Prof. PhD Mihail Dimov Todorov
- Assoc. Prof. Ivan Lubomirov Ataparmakov
- Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Nikolov Gilev
- Assoc. Prof. Yonko Dinev Stoynov
- Assoc. Prof. Zornitza Aleksandrova Petrova
- Assoc. Prof. Daniela Angelova Georgieva
- Assoc. PhD. Silviya Kostadinova Baeva
- Assis. PhD Neli Dimitrova Sirakova
- Assis. PhD. Kiril Raichev Petkov
- Assist. Sevdalin Sevdalinov Tzvetanov
- Assist. Stoyn Popov

Our Team:
- Assoc. Prof. Anna Georgieva Rozeva
- Prof. PhD Desislava Antonova Ivanova
- Prof. PhD Plamenka Ivanova Borovska
- Prof. DSc Radi Petrov Romansky
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Mariana Ivanova Durcheva
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Zlatko Vasilev Zahariev
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Malinka Spasova Ivanova
- Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Alexander Boykov Petkov
- Assist. Prof. Dimiter Ivanov Vakovski
- Assist. Prof. PhD Elena Aleksandrova Radovanova
- Assist. Prof. Zlatina Ivanova Tzenova
- Assist. Prof. Zoya Vladimirova Zafirova
- Assist. Prof. Victor Galev
- Assist. Prof. Plamen Spahiev