The new specialty “Data Analysis” prepares specialists with Bachelor’s degree, with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform data collection and data analysis in order to make informed decisions and build models for future action, based on solid mathematical apparatus, combined with methods of statistics, informatics and modern information technology.
Bachelors in Data Analysis have theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competencies that allow them to work effectively in any field in which mathematical apparatus and software tools for data collection and data analysis are applied. The training in the specialty is based on a series of mathematical, statistical and information disciplines, which provide the necessary general theoretical training of students.
The specialized part of the curriculum contains disciplines in the field of data science, including statistical modeling, machine learning, data extraction, analysis and processing of big data. Modern technologies and relevant software tools for storing, annotating, enriching, merging and transmitting data, statistical analysis and visualization of data, extraction of knowledge from data, etc. are studied. Emphasis in the training in the specialty is gaining knowledge in the field of project development and management, legal and ethical aspects of data management, as well as building communication and presentation skills and teamwork skills.
Bachelors in Data Analysis can hold a variety of positions – analysts, experts, consultants, designers, project managers or teams in various fields of business and management.