The faculty team members are involved in a wide range of exciting and innovative research project that transcends the boundary between theory and practice. They have expertise covering a broad range of topics concerning software development and innovations, applied mathematics and physics which are seen as a unique feature of the group with significant added value.
➢ EU Project: “Adaptive trust based e-assessment system for learning 688520 – TESLA – H2020-ICT-2015” – a consortium of 18 partners develops and pilots a system for learner authentication in e-assessment process, carried out remotely by integrating face, voice and typing rhythm instruments as well as antiplagiarism and forensic analysis instruments into a university learning management system strictly following the European regulations for privacy and personal data protection. Project leader for TU-Sofia team: Assoc., Prof. Anna Rozeva. Project website:
➢ Project “Intelligent Method for Adaptive In-silico Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making Based on Analysis of Big Data Streams for Scientific Research” funded by the Bulgarian National Science Foundation, Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, Competition for financial support of Fundamental Research (2016) under the thematic priority: Technical Science, contract № ДН07/24 – 15.12.2016, Project leader: prof. Plamenka Borovska. Project website:
➢ Project „KoMEIN: Conceptual Modeling and Simulation of Internet of Things Ecosystems“, funded by the Bulgarian National Science Foundation, Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, Competition for financial support of Fundamental Research (2016), Contract No. ДН 02/1 /13.12.2016, Project leader for TU-Sofia team: prof. Plamenka Borovska. Project website: