Prof. Michail Dimov Todorov
Chair of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods
Head of Chair
Office: 2214
Tel: +(3592) 4187978 or +(3592) 965-2358
ResearchGate Profile:
ResearcherID (Web of Science):
Professional field:
4.5 Mathematics
Scientific specialty:
Mathematical Modelling and Applied Mathematics
Taught courses:
Linear Algebra & Analytical Geometry
Differential Equations & Linear Algebra
Selected Topics of Mathematics
Numerical Modeling with Partial Differential Equations
Theoretical Mechanics
Probability & Statistics
Theoretical Electrodynamics
Derivatives of Financial Mathematics
Scientific Computing
Matrix Computing
Tensor Computing
Information Technologies
Publishing Information Systems
Continuum Mechanics
Scientific research field and competences:
I. Methods for Numerical Solving Nonlinear, Eigenvalue Boundary Problems, and Initial Problems
Inviscid Separated Flows
High Re Navier-Stokes equations
Meteorological Convective Processes
Josephson Junctions
Astrophysics, Gravity, Black Holes
Nonlinear Optics and Wave Phenomena
Mathematical Biology
II. Educational Technology
Software Innovations in Methodology for the Higher Mathematics Education
Modern Publishing Processing