Prof. PhD Plamenka Ivanova Borovska

Prof. PhD Plamenka Ivanova Borovska

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Plamenka Ivanova Borovska obtained her doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in Parallel Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks at the Technical University of Sofia (TU-Sofia), Bulgaria in 1985. Plamenka Borovska is a Full Professor at the Technical University of Sofia since 2007. She is a head of Computer Systems Department for the period 2004 – 2015. Her main research fields are parallel computer architectures, computer clusters – programming and management, high performance computing, system area networks, parallel algorithms, parallel programming, computer simulation, computer intelligence, post-processing, pattern recognition, information technologies for business management, e-Health systems, metaheuristics, bioinformatics, GRID and Cloud Computing.

Prof. Borovska is a co-founder and board member of the National Center for Supercomputer Applications in Bulgaria. Borovska is the chief editor and chairman of the organizing committee of the International Conference “Computer Science” and the technical magazine “COMPUTER & COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING” for the period 2004 – 2015. Prof. Borovska is the author of 200 scientific publications, reports of conference papers. She holds a patent for a “multiprocessor system” recognized in the United States, England and Germany. She has participated in over 40 research projects at National and European level in the field of parallel processing and supercomputer architectures and applications: a European thematic network information technology, TEMPUS, ERASUM, PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), ETN FETCH.

Prof. Plamenka Borovska is a member of the Technical Committee on Computer Architecture IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing). Prof. Plamenka Borovska participates in the society of prominent Bulgarian scientists because of its significant contributions to the development of IT in Bulgaria. She is recognized as an eminent scholar BG (“Scientific glory of Bulgaria”, issued by the Premier Literary School, Veliko Tarnovo 2009, as well as in the book “Famous Bulgarian women” from 2009).

In May 2014, prof. Borovska has been awarded the golden medal for teaching, administrative and research and development and promotion of the Computer Systems Department at the Technical University of Sofia. Prof. Borovska has been awarded the diploma for outstanding contribution to the Scientific and Research Sector at the Technical University of Sofia in December 2014.

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