Assoc. Prof. Malinka Spasova Ivanova
ResearchGate Profile:
Communication and Computer Techniques
Taught courses:
- Applied Informatics
- Information Security
- Cryptography
- Information Society and private data protection
Research topics and competences:
- Web security
- Information security
- Machine Learning Applications
- eLearning
Scientific projects:
- Modeling and Research of Intelligent Educational Systems and Sensor Networks (ISOSeM), Bulgarian National Science Fund, КП-06-Н47/4;
- Exploration the application of statistics and machine learning in electronics, Bulgarian National Science Fund, КП-06-Н42/1;
- An adaptive trust based e-assessment system for learning 688520 – TESLA – H2020-ICT-2015 (;
European Innovation and Inclusion through Open Education: an interdisciplinary approach – 575370-EPP-1-2016-1-RO-EPPJMO-MODULE, Erasmus+, Jean Monnet Modules, 2016.