Факултетът по приложна математика и информатика към Техническия университет – София участва в програмата за висше образование на Европейската общност Еразъм+. Програмата Еразъм+ предоставя голяма възможност за разширяване на транснационалното сътрудничество между висшите учебни заведения чрез насърчаване на мобилността на бакалаври, магистри и докторанти и преподаватели, както и подобряване на академичните изследвания и квалификации в цяла Европа.
Програмата Еразъм+ във Факултета по приложна математика и информатика е чудесна възможност за студентите да бъдат между 2 и 12 месеца в друга европейска държава, да споделят европейски опит и да видят друга гледна точка по желаната и изучавана тематична област. Програмата Еразъм+ е голям шанс за мобилността на студентите и невероятна възможност за студентите да намерят нови приятели и да израснат като личности.
Обща информация за програмата Еразъм+, студенти от Факултета по приложна математика и информатика могат да намерят на интернет страницата на Службата за международни отношения на Техническия университет в София: https://tu-sofia.bg/university/317
За повече информация и въпроси, моля свържете се с координатора по програмата Еразъм във Факултета по приложна математика и информатика:
Доц. д-р инж. Десислава Антонова Иванова
Адрес: бул. „Климент Охридски“ 8, бл. 2, ет. 5, офис 2541
Телефон: +359 893 690 007
Е-майл: d_ivanova@tu-sofia.bg
Country, University | Area | Places by contract | Deadline for full registration in the host country | |
Winter semester | Summer semester | |||
I CATANIA01 – UNIVERSITY OF CATANIA https://www.unict.it/en |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
15 May | 1 December |
Italy – Torino University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
071. Engineering and Technology |
3 |
15 June | 15 November |
I PISA01 – UNIVERSITY OF PISA – https://www.unipi.it/index.php/english |
0541. Mathematics |
2 |
15 May | 1 December |
Germany – Dresden Technishe Universität Dresden, Fakultaet InformatikMore information about the partner |
061. Information and Communication Technologies |
2 |
15 January | 15 July |
The Netherlands – Delft Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science |
054. Mathematics and Statistics |
2 |
1 April | 1 October |
061. Information and Communication Technologies |
2 |
0712. Electricity and Energy
0714. Electronics and Automation |
2 |
The Netherlands – Leiden Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
3 |
15 June | 1 December |
Czech Republic – LIBEREC
CZ LIBEREC01 – Technical University of Liberec, https://www.tul.cz/en/
05: Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
—————————— 061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
15 May | 1 December |
Spain – Alcala de Henares (Madrid) University of Alcala |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
—————————- 071. Engineering and Technology |
2 |
June | 30 September |
Sweden – Gothenburg University of Gothenburg, Department of Computer Science and Eng. |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
071. Engineering and Technology |
2 |
15 May | 15 November |
Slovakia – Zilina University of Zilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics |
061. Information and Communication Technology |
2 |
15 June | 30 November |
04. Business, Administration and Law |
2 |
Greece – Artas Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (TEI), Dept. of Computer Engineering (Lab. of Knowledge and Intelligent Computing) |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
—————————— 071. Engineering and Technology |
3 |
20 June | 20 November |
Lithuania, Kaunas
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
1 June | 1 November |
BEIRUT – Lebanon
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, https://www.aust.edu.lb/ (КА 103 – Erasmus Project) |
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
2 |
1 June | 1 November |
Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST),
(КА 103 – Erasmus Project)
0541. Mathematics
—————————— 061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
1 June | 1 November |
University of Grenoble
LIG Laboratory (CNRS-INRIA-UGA) |
0541. Mathematics
—————————— 061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
1 June | 1 November |
University of Genova, Italy | 061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
2 |
1 June | 1 November |
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Carnegie Mellon University, Institute for Software Research, USA https://www.isri.cmu.edu/
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science)
061. Information and Communication Technologies (Computer Science) |
1 |
1 June
1 June |
1 November
1 November |